Once the mapping is in place, the data from the external (administrative) system can be prepared for uploading it to the application.
Open the ‘Download import template’ screen and click on the download button. An Excel template will be downloaded automatically. This template is used to upload actuals to the application.
After opening the Excel template, you will see the following 6 columns:
- External project code: This column needs to contain the external project codes from the data dump of the external system.
- External cost line code: This column needs to contain the external cost line codes from the data dump of the external system.
- Date: the date of the actual amount.
- Amount: the amount of the actual.
- Invoice label: Optionally, you can add an invoice label to any row. This will then be shown as a description in the ‘Actuals details’ section in the application.
- Invoice URL: Optionally, you can add an URL that links to the location of the actual invoice. Users will then be allowed to click on it in the application and are redirected to the actual invoice.
The data in the first two columns is required to map the costs & revenues to the correct project in the application. The data in the Date and Amount column is required to set the amounts at the correct moment in time and to recalculate the prognosis based on these amounts.
The Invoice label data and the Invoice URL’s are optional and therefore not required when uploading the Excel file to the application.