
When you enter the costs & revenues screen for the first time, you will see the total amount of your project and all its individual objects. You can create more focus by filtering on individual objects or groups. When you click on the ‘Filter’ button in the top right of the screen, a slide-in will open with your project structure. 

Clicking on any of the tags under the ‘Categories’ section, will select all objects of that category. The objects that belong to that category will be automatically selected in the structure below.

You can always overrule any of these selections by clicking on the checkboxes in front of all individual objects and groups.

After you have made your selection, the slide-in can be saved and the Costs & revenues screen will be updated accordingly. Now the total column represents the total of your selected objects and only your selected objects are shown on the screen.

Figure 1: Filter panel


There are multiple settings available on the Costs & revenue screen to optimize the use of this screen. You can access the settings by clicking on the ‘Settings’ button in the top right of the screen. The following settings are available:

  1. Number of objects
    You can set the number of objects that are shown simultaneously on the screen.

  2. Hide rows with zero values
    When switched on, it will hide all lines that contain only zero values. Since usually not all lines are used, it creates a compact overview of lines that contain data.

  3. Financial line codes
    When switched on, an extra column will be shown in front of the financial structure. It displays a code corresponding to each line in the financial structure.

  4. Key performance indicators
    When switched on, it will show a fixed panel at the bottom of the screen displaying the KPI’s that you can select in each pick list. Up to 4 KPI’s can be selected from a list.

Figure 2: Settings on Costs & revenues

Goal seek

If you have a desired profit in mind, you can use the goal seek feature to let the application recalculate all costs and revenues based on your adjustments.

To goal seek, first decide if you want to use absolute or relative values (percentages). When using relative values, the current profit can be shown as a percentage of the construction costs, investment costs, land costs and revenues (managed in Settings > Master data). 

You'll notice the current profit which is disabled. Enter a desired profit amount and choose which of the following costs to adjust to get the desired result:

  • Acquisition land and/or premises
  • Constructional costs building
  • Building revenues

Continue by selecting objects for which these costs will be adjusted. By clicking on 'Goal seek', the entire costs and revenues table will be recalculated and the profit will be as desired.

Keep in mind that with using this feature, all current values and calculations will be overwritten and cannot be restored. If you wish to have a copy of all data, you can always duplicate the scenario first, before using goal seeking.

Figure 3: Goal seek using absolute values

Figure 4: Goal seek using relative values