The Financial Planning & Analysis (FP&A) application distinguishes different user roles. Every role has connected rights that enable access to specific functionalities within FP&A.


The following roles exist in FP&A:

  • Global (System) Administrator: this role can create and maintain users, roles, enterprise base data and application defaults. Next to that, the Global Administrator can create financial plans.
  • (Local) Administrator: this role is able to define VAT Settings, Index Series, and Payment Schedules on Entity level.
  • Financial Controller: this role is able to import source data and add non-real estate related cash flow data.
  • Reviewer: this role is able to review and thereafter approve or reject Financial Plans. 
  • Reader: this role is able to read a Financial Plan.
  • Analyst: this role is able to run reports or pivots on Financial Plan data.


The FP&A process in which these roles play their part looks as follows (see picture below):


Step 0. System Settings – User data

The Global Administrator makes application wide settings under which the definition of Users and Roles. 


Step 1. Financial Data on Enterprise level setup

The Global Administrator takes care of the setup on application level (Enterprise level). This is largely a one-time action. Thereafter only incidental maintenance is needed. The following aspects needs to be covered during setup:

  • Definition of the Enterprise Structure (including connection to Reaforce project companies)
  • Definition of the Cash Flow Structure for the Enterprise
  • Index Series for the Enterprise
  • Payment Schedules for the Enterprise
  • VAT Categories for the Enterprise
  • Corporate Tax
  • Revenue & Cost Recognition for the Enterprise


Step 2. Financial data per entity setup

The Local Administrator (of the given entity) takes care of the setup on entity level. This is largely a one-time action. Thereafter only incidental maintenance is needed. The following aspects can be covered during setup:

  • Index Series per Entity
  • Payment schedules per Entity
  • CIT payment schedules per Entity
  • VAT Settings for per Entity
  • Revenue & Cost recognition per Entity


Step 3. Create Financial Plan

The Global Administrator creates the overall Financial Plan for the Enterprise. This is needed for every financial period.


Step 4. Financial Plan data import and data entry per Entity

The Financial Controller (periodically) draws up the Financial Plan for his Entity. In doing so the following steps are relevant:

  • Import Cash Flow prognosis from Reaforce projects or from Excel 
  • Entering the Opening Balance
  • Entering General Expenses
  • Entering Loans, both incoming and outgoing
  • Entering Dividend payments and Share Capital transactions


Next, the Financial Controller submits the Financial Plan for review.


Step 5. Review and approval of the Financial Plan per Entity

The Reviewer reviews and approves or rejects the Financial Plan per Entity.


Step 6. Financial Plan analysis

The Reader analyzes the Financial Plans for one or more Entities.

The Analyst can analyze data for one or more Entities by creating reports, pivots and analyzing dashboards.


Step 7. Financial Plan closure

The final step in the process involves closure of the Financial Plan by the Global Administrator. No further actions are possible on the Financial Plan thereafter.   



Example - FP&A User Roles