As indicated in step 0 in Chapter 3, the Global Administrator adds new users and defines the user roles per user by Entity.
These steps are detailed in the following sections.
4.1 Users
To add a user, go in the navigation panel to Settings – Users (as part of the User data). The screen below will appear (see picture below).
Example - Screen: Settings – Users
Click the New user button. A slide-in appears in which the user name needs to be defined. The user name is the Microsoft account name, used for logging on. Additional fields to be filled are the first name, last name and the email address.
By selecting "Show inactive users" on the screen also the inactive users are shown in the grid. It is possible to make a User inactive, not to delete a User.
4.2 User Roles
Every User needs to be assigned the correct roles. These User Roles can be entered by Entity. The only exception is the Global Administrator role. This role is not set by Entity but for the whole application.
Two ways of setting up user roles are distinguished: by User or by Entity.
To do this, go in the navigation panel to Settings – Roles (as part of the User data).
Defining roles by User (see picture below): On the Roles screen click the By User button and thereafter type the name of the user in the search box. Next add relevant entities using the Add Entity button. A slide-in appears in which the User Roles can be assigned. After saving, a new line is added to the screen in which the Entity and User Roles are shown (by a checkmark). Changing User Roles to this Entity can be done by clicking in this line which reopens the slide-in.
Example - Screen: Settings – User Roles by User
Defining roles by Entity (see picture below): On the Roles screen click the By Entity button and next select the desired Entity. Next add relevant users using the Add User button. A slide-in appears in which the User Roles can be assigned. After saving, a new line is added to the grid in which the User and User Roles are shown (by a checkmark). Changing User Roles to this User can be done by clicking in this line which reopens the slide-in.
Example - Screen: Settings – User Roles by entity
In case the Entity is a parent entity, the system will raise the question whether or not to apply the User Role also to the lower level Entities. The same is true for removing a User Role from a parent entity.
Lastly, it is possible to copy the roles from one User to another User or from one Entity to another Entity.
For copying the Roles from one User to another User: go to user Roles, choose the By User modus and select the User to copy the roles to. Next, click the Copy roles from another user button, and select the user from whom to copy the roles.
For copying the roles from one Entity to another Entity: go to user Roles, choose the By Entity modus and select the Entity to copy the roles to. Next, click the Copy roles from another Entity button, and select the Entity from whom to copy the roles.
- During copying, existing roles are first removed from the target user/entity, next the roles from the source user/entity are copied to the target user.
- A notification appears in the header of the application when the copying action has been completed
As indicated, users can be made inactive. This means that the user cannot logon anymore, nor view or refresh reports or pivots. An inactive user can be made active again. Only the Global Administrator can change the inactive status of a user, by selecting the user line on the User screen and change the status from Inactive to Active in the slide-in.