Next to the settings for the Enterprise as a whole (by the Global Administrator), a number of  data  can be added for a specific Entity. The Administrator for the given Entity, also called the Local Administrator, takes care of these settings. This Chapter describes the possibilities for the Local Administrator to add the settings per Entity.


To do this, go to Settings in the navigation panel and then choose the Entity-level settings (see picture below).

Example - Screen: Settings Entity

6.1 Index Series (Entity)

In addition to Index Series for the whole Enterprise, the (Local) Administrator is able to define one or more Index Series that can only be used by the given Entity. For doing so, the (Local) Administrator  navigates to the screen Index Series on Entity level and selects the appropriate Entity (see picture below). The amounts in Cash Flow prognosis are calculated based on a/o index percentages.


To create an Index Series, click the button Add Index Series. A row is added to the grid after which the series can be given a name. Next, index percentages can be added per year. Add a new start year or end year where needed using the respective buttons. 


A start- or end year can be removed by clicking on the three dots next to the start- or end year header and choose Delete Year. An Index Series may be deleted by selecting the Index Series and clicking on the recycle bin icon on the right.


The index value of the last year is used for all future, undefined years.

Example - Screen: Settings Entity – Index Series

6.2 Payment Schedules (Entity)

In addition to Payment Schedules for the whole Enterprise, the (Local) Administrator is able to define one or more Payment Schedules that can only be used by the given Entity. For doing so, the (Local) Administrator navigates to the screen Payment Schedules on entity level and selects the appropriate Entity (see picture below).


To create a new Payment Schedule, click the button Add Schedule. A slide-in appears in which the Payment schedule can be given a name and optional description. Next, relative numbers can be added per month. Yearly payments will distributed over individual months according these relative numbers.


A Payment Schedule may be deleted by selecting the Payment Schedule and ticking the checkbox on the left and then click on the Delete button.

Example - Screen: Settings Entity – Payment Schedules

6.3 VAT Settings (Entity)

The Local Administrator can determine the VAT Settings per Entity. For doing so, he navigates to the screen Payment Schedules on entity level (see picture below) and selects the appropriate entity. 


The Local Administrator indicates if VAT declarations are executed by month, quarter, or year. He can also specify whether he expects to receive a VAT-claim in the period plus one month or period plus two months.

Example - Screen: Settings Entity – VAT Settings

The amounts in Cash Flow prognosis are calculated based on a/o these VAT settings.


6.4 CIT payment schedules (Entity)

The Administrator can determine the Corporate Income Tax payment schedules per Entity. For doing so, he navigates to the screen CIT Payment Schedules on entity level (see picture below) and selects the appropriate entity. 


Payment schedules can be entered for either current year and next year. Relative numbers can be added per month. Yearly payments will be distributed over individual months according to these relative numbers.

Example - Screen: Settings Entity – CIT payments schedules

6.5 Revenue & Cost Recognition (Entity)

In addition to the Revenue & Cost Recognition accounts provided by the Global Administrator, the Local Administrator may also include those that are only usable by the entity (picture below).


Usage and operation is the same as the template described in the section on Enterprise Settings.

Example - Screen: Settings Entity – Revenue & Cost Recognition