Financial transactions can be entered through the Base Data screens and through the Financial Plan screens. In case a financial transaction is listed under Base Data, the transaction is added to all open and future Financial Plans. In case a transaction is entered for a Financial Plan, the transaction will only be added for this plan. The following example illustrates this in more detail.


In the picture below the incoming Loan A is added to the Base Data.

Example - Adding a Loan to Base Data

Since the Loan is added to the Base Data, the Loan is visible also in all open Financial Plans. As can be seen in the picture below, Loan A is visible in the current Financial Plan: Test FP Q3-2022. 


It is possible to add to Financial Plan: Test FP Q3-2022 another incoming Loan, in this example Loan B. Loan B is specific for this Financial Plan and will not be included in any other open or future plan.

In the column named Level is indicated whether the transaction is a transaction on Base level or Financial Plan level.

Example - Adding a Loan to a Financial Plan

Using the button 'Go to Base Data' it is possible to switch in a simple way to the Base Data screen from the Financial Plan. Similarly, navigating back from the Base Data screen to the Financial Plan is possible by clicking 'Back to Financial Plan'.


The Base Data versus Financial Plan concept, explained in the above example, also applies to General Expenses, Loans incoming and outgoing, Dividend and Share Capital Transactions. 


The next Chapter describes adding various types of transactions to a Financial Plan. Adding these types of transactions to Base Data instead works in a similar way.