Every scenario has its own set of settings; Scenario details, VAT settings and Indexation

On Scenario details you can edit the scenario name, set it as master, add a short and long description (fig. 1). Within a project one master scenario is required, this is the leading scenario. To select another scenario as master, you can navigate to the scenario details of that scenario and check the 'Set as master' box. 

Changing masters can also be done on the project overview page, by using the action bar.

Figure 1: Scenario details page

When you've written down a one-liner about the scenario in the 'Short description' input field, an information icon will appear behind the scenario name in the side menu (fig. 2). When you click on this icon, a pop-up appears with the option to pin the description to the header of your screen. When clicked, the short description will be shown below the header of every screen in this scenario.

Figure 2: Pin description to header.