The VAT settings for a scenario can be found under the 'Scenario settings' section along with the scenario details and indexation.

On the left side, you'll see the financial structure (fig. 1). On the right side, there are three columns with data:

  1. Total: Shows the total costs or revenues for that row
  2. VAT %: Shows the applicable VAT percentage for that row
  3. VAT amount: Shows the VAT amount based on the total costs/revenues and the VAT percentage.

Figure 1: VAT settings of a scenario

When you create a scenario, the VAT settings will be automatically be generated based on defaults. These defaults are managed in the general Settings > Master data. Once the default has been set, you can edit the VAT settings for your specific scenairo through the VAT settings screen.

To edit the VAT % or amount, simply click on the value you would like to edit. A pop-up will open with the same data as shown in the grid; Total, VAT % and VAT amount (fig. 2).

Figure 2: Editing VAT percentage or VAT amount.

The 'Total' field represents the total costs or revenue of the row that you've clicked. It is not editable in this pop-up. If you want to edit costs or revenues, go to the Costs & revenues page.

The 'VAT %' is used to calculate the VAT amount. You can set the VAT percentage anywhere between 0% and 100%. Since most of the rows in your financial structure use the same VAT percentage, it is possible to copy a VAT percentage to all rows in the grid. In order to do this, check the 'Apply VAT percentage to all' box. When you save the pop-up, the VAT percentage will be applied to every row in the financial structure.


It is also possible to generate the VAT percentage by specifying a VAT amount. If you enter a VAT amount, the VAT percentage field will be automatically calculated based on the VAT amount divided by the Total field.

Please do note that the VAT percentage is always saved, so when the total costs or revenues change, the VAT amount field will be recalculated too.

This option is not available if the Total field is 0. In this case, the VAT amount will be shown in a disabled state and you can only enter the VAT percentage.

All VAT percentages of this screen are used on the Costs & revenues page to calculate the non-deductible VAT.